Mereside Academy

Learn to Love, Love to Learn

Mereside Academy News

School News

The latest news stories from Mereside Academy.


News Stories

  • British Ironworks Tin Can Art Appeal
    Mereside Eco Club are collecting empty tin cans for the British Ironworks art appeal. Please donate to school your clean empty cans with the label removed. We are collecting from Monday 19th June to Monday 10th July, 2017.
  • KS2 School Sport Teams & Choir Photograph Orders
    KS2 school sport teams & choir photograph orders must be handed in to the school office by end of day on Monday 12th June, 2017. Any late orders received after this date will be returned home to be sent direct to Tempest Photography.
  • Summer School Uniform
    If your child is wearing a school summer dress please ensure it is blue checked, other colours are not part of our uniform. Children can also wear grey or black shorts with a white polo shirt.
  • School Class Photograph Orders
    School class photograph orders must be handed in to the school office by end of day on Wednesday 24th May, 2017. Any late orders received after this date will be returned home to be sent direct to Tempest Photography.
  • PTA Lucky Draw Winners
    The winners of the draw which took place on Friday 5th May, 2017 are...
  • PTA Lucky Draw Winners
    The winners of the draw which took place on Friday 7th April, 2017 are...
  • 2017 National Curriculum tests for Key Stage 1 & 2: information for Parents
    For details about Key Stage 1 & 2 tests there is a link to the Gov.Uk site on our website; from the home page click on 'About us'.Then click on 'Curriculum' which will take you to the page with the link.
  • School Lunch Menu
    The new school lunch menu which takes effect from Monday 24th April, 2017 is now available to view on the website; click on the link from the home page & this will take you to the full menu.
  • Robins Class Forest School - Thursday 30th March, 2017
    Robins Class will not have Forest School on Thursday 30th March, 2017 due to Mrs Mitchell attending a training course. Children are to come to school in school uniform. Thank you.
  • Parent Survey March, 2017
    Thank you for a fantastically positive response to our Parent Survey. A detailed analysis of the findings can be downloaded from our website; from the home page use the quick link 'Policies' to take you to the page with the link for the document.
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