Mereside Academy

Learn to Love, Love to Learn

Starting in EYFS 2024

Welcome to Mereside!

Thank you so much for choosing us as your child's school! We are very excited about meeting our new reception pupils.

You will by now have received your welcome letter outlining the transition process we have at Mereside to help your child with their move to school. 

We look forward to meeting you all at the Welcome Meeting on Tuesday 4th June. At the meeting you will meet your child's new teacher and other key members of staff. We will give you an information pack and book you in for a Home Visit. We are continuing to visit pre-schools and are inviting your child to make four school visits to meet their new friends.

In the meantime, have a look at the website, particularly the information below.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. The school phone number is 01743 356283 and my email is

Rachel Harper

EYFS Phase Leader

Getting to know EYFS

Below you will find some Powerpoints & videos that we hope will help prepare you and your child for starting in Reception

  • A Welcome Video
  • Parent Information - Preparing your child for starting Reception
  • Virtual Classroom Tour


We are looking forward to meeting you!

Watch this video to meet some of the Mereside staff and to take a look around school:

Virtual Classroom Tour

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